Huan He
Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science, Yale University School of Medicine
100 College St, New Haven, CT 06510


Jul. 2024: One year in New Haven, CT completed! Forward to the next chapter!

Jun. 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Lin for winning the Best Paper Award in industry track in IEEE ICHI 2024! Congratulations to Dr. Fu for the paper acceptance in JAMIA! I gave a presentation about visual analytics and applications in the Yale NLP/LLM interest group meeting!

May 2024: ASCO 2024 is a great conference! Thousands of posters and many interesting talks and exhibitions! Looking forward to the next year!

Apr. 2024: We presented our data visualization + LLM work at YSM Cushing/Whitney Medical Library!

Mar. 2024: Happy to meet friends at Boston in AMIA Informatics Summit 2024! And congratulations to Dr. Raja's presentation A Study of Biomedical Relation Extraction Using GPT Models!

Jan. 2024: 2024! New start! New aims!

Dec. 2023: Goodbye 2023, hello 2024! Happy New Year! Hope all the projects will be successful in 2024!

Nov. 2023: Thanks to Dr. Fu and Dr. Riaz for presenting our posters at AMIA 2023!

Oct. 2023: VAHC 2023 workshop at IEEE VIS 2023!

Sep. 2023: Explored the beautiful campus of Yale University! The Sterling Memorial Library is amazing! And the Yale University Art Gallery is also a must-see place!

Aug. 2023: There are many beautiful places in New Haven, CT! East Rock, Wesk Rock, and Farmington Canal Heritage Trail~

Jul. 2023: Two posters are accepted by AMIA Annual Symposium 2023! And congratulations to Taylor Hawkins and Kurt Miller for the acceptance of their student papers! Congratulations to Andrew Wen for the acceptance of the JAMIA and npj Digital Medicine!

Jun. 2023: Relocated to New Haven, CT for my new role as a Research Scientist in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science at Yale University School of Medicine!

May 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Moon for the acceptance of two JMIR papers!

Mar. 2023: AMIA IS 2023 @Seattle! Sleepless in Seattle (due to deadlines and two oral presentations :)! Nice city, people, and food!

Feb. 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Liu for the Established Investigator Award!

Jan. 2023: Happy new year! Updated the data structure and layout of my website with Pelican!

Dec. 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Riaz and Syed Arsalan Ahmed Naqvi for the paper acceptance of JAMA Oncology! And, my podium, system demo, and poster are accepted by AMIA IS 2023!

Nov. 2022: Enjoy AMIA 2022 and serve as paper co-chair for VAHC 2022 @Washington D.C.! And congratulations to Dr. Moon for her Distinguished Paper Award in AMIA 2022! And my poster and co-author paper are accepted by IEEE BIBM 2022!

Oct. 2022: Meet friends in IEEE VIS 2022 @Oklahoma City!

Aug. 2022: Our team 'COVID-19 Predictive Analytics Task Force' received Mayo Clinic Team Science Award.

Jul. 2022: Two posters are accepted in IEEE VIS 2022!

Jun. 2022: Our papers, podiums, and posters are accepted in AMIA 2022! And serve as the Web Chair for IEEE ICHI 2022.

Mar. 2022: AMIA IS 2022 @Chicago!

Feb. 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Riaz and Syed Arsalan Ahmed Naqvi for the ASCO Merit Award!

Dec. 2021: Submissions are accepted by AMIA IS 2022 and Bioinformatics!

Nov. 2021: Nice trip to San Diego for AMIA 2021! So many people!

Oct. 2021: IEEE VIS 2021 Virtual ... Hope to be hybrid or offline next year in Oklahoma!

Jul. 2021: Two posters are accepted in IEEE VIS 2021!

Jun. 2021: One oral presentation and two posters are accepted in AMIA 2021!

Mar. 2021: Still work from home ... submitted our works to VIS and AMIA! Keep coding!

Nov. 2020: Virtual AMIA 2020! So many events, wow...

Oct. 2020: Virtual VIS20 is also great! Got Best Poster Award of IEEE VIS 2020! Happy!

Aug. 2020: Two posters are accepted by IEEE VIS 2020! Congratulations to Yating on the acceptance of her FIRST TVCG track paper!

Jul. 2020: Two posters are accepted by AMIA 2020!

Mar. 2020: Start work from home ... work hard!

Oct. 2019: Meet people at VIS19 in Vancouver! 3 papers are accepted in IEEE BigData 2019! Congratulations to Rongzhe and Yingchao!

Aug. 2019: Mayo Clinic Orientation!

Jul. 2019: PhD defense passed! A paper is accepted in VAST'19!

Jun. 2019: PhD Dissertation submitted!

May 2019: An IJCAI demo has been accepted!

Apr. 2019: My first SCI paper has been accepted!

Feb. 2019: Two demos are accepted in WWW'19 demonstration track!

Dec. 2018: The paper of VUC is accepted in CompEd'19!

Oct. 2018: VIS18 is exciting! Impressive trip to Berlin.

Jul. 2018: VUSphere has been accepted in VAST 2018 Conference Track! So happy!

Mar. 2018: My FIRST first author international conference paper has been accepted by Edutainment'18! So excited!